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Are you looking to add more natural elements inside your home but need help knowing where to start? We’re here to help! Bringing nature indoors can be a simple and affordable way to add life, beauty, and comfort to any room. Best of all, it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. 

Here are some tips to bring nature indoors, including popular interior design styles that share your love for nature.  

How to Incorporate Nature in Your Decor

Ground Yourself with Plants

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s true. Plants are among the easiest and most impactful ways to bring nature indoors. Even just a few plants instantly brighten up any space while improving indoor air quality. From succulents that fit in your hand to a 7-foot tree in the corner of a room, you will find plants that meet any size or aesthetic needs. 

Petal Up to Flowers

Flowers are colorful, smell divine, and let you show off your personal style. Whether it’s bold collections of wildflowers or delicate arrangements of peonies, you can bring one of the most beautiful acts of nature into every room. 

Adorn Your Walls With Natural Artwork

This option has the same benefits as plants but requires no watering! Landscape paintings, photographs, wall murals, and nearly any other artwork that depicts scenes from nature are enduring ways to celebrate the great outdoors indoors. 

Go With Natural Themes on Wallpaper and Fabric

A faux landscape is another option for those who lack green thumbs. This includes anything from wallpaper in natural patterns to tree-shaped furniture pieces and textiles with leaf and floral designs.

Adopt a Natural Approach to Interior Design

Furniture, rugs, throw pillows, and other home items made from natural materials are a great way to incorporate nature. From cowhide rugs to wood furniture pieces and leaf-shaped ceiling fans, these natural elements can be just as stylish and inviting as they are earthy.

Install a Delicious Kitchen Planter Box

A kitchen planter box is a great way to add greenery to your cooking space without taking up valuable counter space. Plus, it’s an easy way to keep some of the most popular herbs and vegetables on hand for cooking. 

Interior Design Styles that Celebrate Nature

Here is a blend of interior design styles that incorporate nature themes. We provide a range of themes to make it easy to find one you love. 

Biophilic design 

Biophilic design uses nature as a primary theme to create a calming, comforting atmosphere. This includes ample plants and natural materials such as wood and stone. You will create an engaging space tightly in tune with nature. 


Cottagecore design is inspired by the beauty of the countryside and old-world cottages. Design elements include floral patterns, fresh flowers, rustic furniture pieces, and natural materials, all geared to create a pastoral atmosphere.


Like Cottagecore, you can indulge in the charm and simplicity of life in nature with farmhouse design. Furniture is often repurposed from natural materials like wood, clay, stone, and metal. Plants help add balance throughout the space. You can also use fabrics in natural weaves and tones to bring in more of a natural feel. 

Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian style is well known for its clean lines and minimalism, but it also focuses on natural elements. Examples include light wood furniture, warm neutrals, nature-themed fabric patterns, and lots of plants. 

Japandi Design

Japandi blends traditional Japanese and Scandinavian design styles, celebrating modern minimalism and nature-inspired elements. This can include bamboo furniture, potted plants, and zen garden themes. 

Coastal Design

Coastal design is directly connected to natural beach living. Incorporate natural elements like driftwood, seashells, and coral accents into the room, and get as crafty as you like. You can also connect with the look and feel of the ocean with blue-painted furniture pieces, photos, and artwork.

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