Earth tone paint trends include sought-after hues as people embrace shades of chocolate, rich greens, and more recently, burnt oranges and reds across the color spectrum. Every color draws its inspiration from nature and has the power to make your home feel supremely inviting.

Maintaining Visual Interest
Previous earth tones included primarily browns and greens. Although beautiful in their own simplicity, we are now seeing more pops of crimson and orange. These additions break up earthy palettes in a pleasing way and help brighten things up.
Today’s earth tone paint trends are especially perfect for living rooms. Combine dark browns with reds and oranges to bring warmth and sophistication together in a room made for relaxing. Want something bolder? Opt for a burnt orange wall complete with gold accents and cream-colored pieces for the ultimate modern yet earthy feel.
Embrace Shades of Red
For years, red has been thought of as a power color and not necessarily the primary color in your home. That is quickly changing. It’s easy to see why when you’re looking at the shades available on Benjamin Moore’s 2021 color palette.

Combining a rich, saturated red with chocolate brown leather or rustic industrial accents is inviting. Consider hardwood floors as the base of your room, and your earthy organics feel like a room offering respite from the crazy that is just outside your door.
Oranges for a Light and Bright Warmth
Unless you live in Texas, burnt orange probably isn’t a color that come to mind when painting your home. But orange has crossed over into the earth tones that are on-trend for 2021. Its shades are as varied as sunset and pair beautifully with navy blues and Benjamin Moore’s cashmere gray. With a suitable color scheme, orange is set to make a statement in homes everywhere as it settles into the earthy colors you’ve grown to love.
Explore the Shades
Looking at the shades offered by Benjamin Moore, you can mix and match all of their lovely shades to create a color palette for any room. Amazon Soil combined with Potters Clay and Rosy Peach are perfect for that sophisticated feel, where you can put Muslin, Kingsport Gray, and Aegean Teal together and make any room feel inviting.

You can find all of the accents you’ll need to bring the outdoors inside in a way that will make you never want to leave. Contact our design specialists at WPL Interior Design if you need help enhancing your interior decor. We’re happy to help find the perfect pieces to help bring a little more earthy inspiration into your space.